
The Eastern Theological Journal is published by the St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute (Nyíregyháza, Hungary).

The Eastern Theological Journal is a peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by the St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute.

It can be found in the list of publications recognized as scientific journals by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), in classification area 11 (History, philosophy and pedagogical sciences).

Latest issue

Eastern Theological Journal 9/1 (2023)


Veronika Černušková Proliferation of Divine Reciprocity. Clement of Alexandria’s Trinitology as a Reaction to Valentinian Pleromatology

Andrew Louth Modern Orthodox Theology: Past–Present–Future

Lenka Karfíková Plato’s Sophist in the Epistemology of Clement of Alexandria

Paolo Colizzi The Many Faces of Dionysius Reflections on The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite

Miklós Gyurkovics La memoria e la fede in Clemente Alessandrino

Book reviews

Marco Montali M. Monfrinotti, Clemente lo Stromateo: fama e oscurità. Rassegna e studio dei Testimonia greci (III-XVI sec.), “Patrologia. Beiträge zum studium der Kirchenväter”
