

Eastern Theological Journal 9/2 (2023)

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Ilaria L. E. Ramelli Clement on Apokatastasis Related to the “Feminine” Side of God

Giulio Maspero L’interazione tra Cristologia e dottrina trinitaria prima e dopo Nicea

István M. Bugár Ousia in Christian Thought at the Turn of the Second and Third Centuries

Bernard Mallmann Verrat an der Bibel? Der biblische Gottesglaube und das Homoousios

Tamás Véghseő The Appointment of Bishop Miklós Dudás to the Episcopal See of Hajdúdorog in 1939

Book reviews

Tibor Görföl Review of Rowan Williams, Looking East in Winter. Contemporary Thought and the Eastern Christian Tradition

Eastern Theological Journal 9/1 (2023)

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Veronika Černušková Proliferation of Divine Reciprocity. Clement of Alexandria’s Trinitology as a Reaction to Valentinian Pleromatology

Andrew Louth Modern Orthodox Theology: Past–Present–Future

Lenka Karfíková Plato’s Sophist in the Epistemology of Clement of Alexandria

Paolo Colizzi The Many Faces of Dionysius Reflections on The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite

Miklós Gyurkovics La memoria e la fede in Clemente Alessandrino

Book reviews

Marco Montali M. Monfrinotti, Clemente lo Stromateo: fama e oscurità. Rassegna e studio dei Testimonia greci (III-XVI sec.), “Patrologia. Beiträge zum studium der Kirchenväter”

Eastern Theological Journal 8/2 (2022)

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Joseph S. O’Leary The Homoousion as Shield of the Son’s Divinity

Veronika Černušková Could a woman become a gnostic? Clement of Alexandria on femininity and masculinity of human soul

Daniel Galadza The Liturgical Reception and Commemoration of the First Council of Nicaea

Attila Puskás “non voluntate, nec necessitate, sed natura” Alcune interpretazioni di un “assioma” trinitario

Krisztián Vincze La competenza e le prospettive della cristologia filosofica

Book reviews

Zoltán Szegvári Jean–Luc Fournet, The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian versus Greek in Late Antiquity,

István Németh Dean P. Béchard, Syntax of New Testament Greek