

Miklós Gyurkovics
I sacrifici dell’assimilazione a Dio secondo l’esegesi di Clemente di Alessandria: aspetti antropologici

Eastern Theological Journal 7 (2021) 1, 83-104.


    1. Introduzione; 2. L’assimilazione a Dio nello specchio del martire; 3. La Sacra Scrittura come lo strumento della assimilazione a Dio; 4. Assimilazione al Logos divino; 5. I sacrifici dell’assimilazione a Dio; 6. Il cuore del teologo che assimila al cuore di Cristo; 7. Conclusione – Un tema attuale per tutti che con i sacrifici coltivano la scienza della teologia

    Chapters 14 – 18 of the fourth book of Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria draw parallels with the characteristics of the true Gnostic and with the main peculiarities of the Christian martyr, and prove that a state of assimilation to God cannot be attained without sacrifices. In this paper, we point out how Clement interpreted the nature of martyrdom through existential and intellectual approaches. This study emphasises that also in the themes of assimilation to God and martyrdom, Clement makes significant references to the philosophical literature, however, in his opinion, the orthodox truth is the Sacred Scripture, through the mediation of Saint Paul and the Church Tradition. Just as
    he is convinced that the passages of the Sacred Scripture contain more than one meaning, in the same way Clement also quotes and comments on the writings of the “Apostolic Fathers” in the light of the theological needs of his time.