

Eastern Theological Journal 6/2 (2020)

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Kornél Nagy The History of Ecclesiastical Conflict within the Armenian Community of Transylvania (1697–1700): Bishop Oxendio Virziresco and the ‘Elia Mendrul’

Victor Alexandrov Zizioulas’s Criticism of Afanasiev

Thomas Mark Németh Der Katechismus der Ukrainischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (2011) und das patristische Erbe

Miklós Gyurkovics La croce nella disputa antignostica di Clemente Alessandrino

Zoltán Szegvári Western Religious Practices in Byzantine Letters: Demetrios Chomatenos, Ioannes Apokaukos, Azymes and Papal Primacy

Book reviews

Johannes Zachhuber The Rise of the Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics: Patristic Philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus (Daniele Iezzi)

Szabó Irén The Light of Thy Countenance. Exibition & Catalogue

Eastern Theological Journal 6/1 (2020)

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Bugár M. István Is there a life without a body?

Nagy Kornél The Foundation of the Armenian (Ruthenian) College of Lviv (Lemberg) (1664−1681)

Ilaria Vigorelli L’unità dell’uomo in Gregorio di Nissa. La distinzione corpo-anima nella dottrina della salvezza

Dobos András Tropari ai makarismì del venerdì santo nel Typikon dell’Anastasis

Atanasia Maria Smetaniak La μετάνοια come elemento della preghiera del corpo nell’Apophthegmata Patrum e nel Pratum spirituale

Evariszt Urbán The role of the function of the servant (δοῦλος) as the steward of the ἀπόφασις in the divine Liturgies of Byzantine origin

Eastern Theological Journal 5/2 (2019)

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Patrick Descourtieux Corpo e anima in Ilario di Poitiers: un uomo afferrato da Dio

Szabó Péter Alcune osservazioni sul diritto sacramentale comparato in prospettiva storica

Giulio Maspero Il corpo relazionale e la vita materiale secondo Gregorio di Nissa

Veronika Černušková The Mystery of the Eucharist and Childhood in Clement of Alexandria

Andrew J. Summerson Apatheia and Interpreting Human Experience: Body, Soul, and Apatheia in Maximus the Confessor’s Quaestiones ad Thalassium

Mykhaylo Lesiv La visione dell’uomo nella tradizione spirituale nell’insegnamento del pensatore Gregorio Skovoroda (1722 -1794)

Book reviews

Silviu Sana The Forbidden Church. Greek-Catholics from North-West of Romania under the Communist Regime